Thursday, February 7, 2019

Retirement Take Two

Today is exactly two months since my last day of work on December 7th, 2018.  Boy, did that time  fly by!

I don't really count the first month when it comes to making observations of what I accomplished since I spent time Christmas shopping, putting up a tree and just relaxing.  I did have a list of things I wanted to do once I retired started and I spent some time over the holidays adding to the list.

Retirement was the best decision for me.  I feel like planning for this time in my life the past few years made the transition very easy.  I don't miss work at all!  The people, sometimes yes, this is one of the hardest things, not having daily emails or conversations with them.  I expected this, since I had been through a few job transitions over the years and realize most people don't keep in touch with as much contact and when you work closely with each other.  I am fortunate to live in a 55+ community now and can chose to get involved with more people than ever in non-work related environments.

Several relatives that previously retired were great sources of information.  The one that sticks the most is that "everyday is like a Saturday".  This is so true, however with the husband still working, I keep on top of the days of the week by his work schedule.  Once her retires later this summer, I have a feeling that will become more of our mantra moving forward.

One thing that I notice is that I no longer feel "RUSHED" to do anything!  Sure, I still make myself have some deadlines and I have a schedule for most days, however, if I change my mind on when to do something, change what I want to do, or just sit and relax (ok AKA Nap!) for 30 minutes, I feel no stress!

So in closing I share a text I received from my sister the Monday after I retired, which is SO true!😃

 Happy Crafting!

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