Monday, April 8, 2019

It's A Quilting catch Up Day!

All weekend long I had plans to catch up on my 52 blocks in 52 weeks quilt.  Mainly because it was suppose to rain today.  Well, right now the sun is out with temperatures expected to rise to almost 80 degrees!

It isn't even 8 AM yet and most of the laundry is completed and put away, so out comes the fabric, sewing machine is plugged in and as soon as I hit "publish" on this post I will start sewing.  I have three blocks cut out and a fourth to prepare and make before this weeks comes out tomorrow.  Making the commitment TODAY to finally lay out the quilt blocks that are completed for my king size quilt so I can start adding the sashing and borders in anticipation of sending it to the long arm company for machine quilting.

On another note, there is only ONE seat available for the June 1st D & D Papercraft Event.  So exciting that we have a great list of individuals that keep registering and helping us to sell out of our events!  Thanks to each and every one of you!

Happy Crafting!

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