Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Hump Day Sunshine

It looks to be another gorgeous spring day, chilly to start, but as the sun rises, I anticipate a walk in my future today!  One of the things I promised myself I would do in retirement was to exercise more.  I always used the "I don't have time" or "I am too tired" after working to fit in any kind of exercise.  I know I could have found the time, but the "excuses" out weighed me actually finding the time.  Now I have NO MORE excuses!  I just need to DO IT and make it a habit, just like fitting in all my crafting!

Today I plan to catch up on the three quilt blocks I am behind in the 52 quilt blocks in 52 weeks challenge.  First to cut out all of the pieces and hope to have them completely sewed together by lunch time.  One is fairly simple, but two of them have quite a few small pieces seeing that the finished block is only 6 inches!

I have been spending some of my time working on another 1000 piece puzzle.  This one seems to be on the easier side.  It is a LONG and NARROW puzzle, all of billboards for movies.  Pieces are very small, but seem to make decent progress every time I sit down to work on it.

Here is a photo of it as I started it.  The puzzle is so wide that the photo on the front of the box is NOT the entire puzzle!  It was confusing at first as I was trying to put the border together until I realize that another paper was included in the box, which folded out to show all of the billboards.

Happy Crtafting!


  1. That puzzle would be fun..:especially if I had seen most of the movies!!

    1. Knowing the movie buff you are, you probably saw them, even though they are older....American Graffiti, Bride of Frankenstein, The Graduate, to name a few. 39 of them on this puzzle. They also have a 1000 piece one of book titles!
